
Want to Serve?

Following Jesus means being “His hands and feet.” Join us as we bridge the generations, working side by side to meet the needs of our community and the world around us. We accomplish this through financial and hands-on support of our 12 Core Mission Partners as well as seasonal serving opportunities throughout the year. The Serving Team is here to help you find a way to serve that calls to you personally. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Rev. Cara Cavicchia at ccavicchia@lppcmin.org.

Ten Core Mission Partners

Advocates Against Hunger

 Advocates Against Hunger seeks to coordinate efforts in the greater Norristown area to educate the community about hunger, to promote increasing resources and volunteer opportunities, and to serve those in need with easily accessible, nutritious food. LPPC members volunteer to unload the Philabundance food truck on Mondays in Norristown.

Blair in Kenya

Blair in Kenya is dedicated to improving the lives of Kenya’s rural poor through educational, medical and economic opportunity. The goal is to train and support a cohort of young and talented people who can then use their knowledge and drive to carry the village to greater heights.

Days for Girls

Days for Girls prepares and distributes sustainable, reusable menstrual health kits and health education to girls and women around the world. Volunteers help make menstrual kits throughout the year right at the church.

Frontera De Cristo

This border ministry is located in southern Arizona. Their mission is to support local ministries in their work to serve migrants and community members. They offer shelter, resources, education, emotional support, medical care, and new solutions for migrants. One way LPPC supports this ministry is by purchasing their fair trade coffee.

The Hospitality Center

Motivated by God’s love, The Hospitality Center, located in Norristown, provides basic needs and social services to empower those experiencing homelessness and poverty. LPPC volunteers help with job training and collect much-needed food and travel soap, shampoo and conditioner.

Community Interfaith

Interfaith operates both a food pantry at Power of the Cross Church and a Clothing Ministry at Christ Church-UCC in the area of Norristown. LPPC members volunteer to bring food from Wawa to the Pantry and participate in clothing drives throughout the year.

Living Waters for the World

Living Waters for the World provides sustainable clean water systems for communities around the world in need. LPPC specifically supports the LWW ministry in Cuba. LPPC volunteers pack resupply parts and go to Cuba on annual mission trips to update filtration systems.

Cecil & Grace Bean Soup Kitchen

This soup kitchen seeks to provide as many meals as possible to the homeless and impoverished community in Norristown. LPPC provides Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners and 350 sandwiches each Tuesday in August.

The Philadelphia Project

The Philly Project partners with local churches to serve our most vulnerable neighbors, and provide transformative service opportunities in the Philadelphia area. LPPC volunteers attend work days and mission trips as well as support the college student intern program.

Urban Promise International

James Mureithi who was trained at Urban Promise International runs a community center in Kenya. This center offers computer literacy programs, mentoring, and Bible study to students.

Seasonal Serving Opportunities

Hope Prison Ministry Collections

In August LPPC collects school supplies and backpacks and in December unwrapped toys for children who have a parent or parents who are incarcerated. These items are collected in the Atrium over a few weeks.

Rise Against Hunger

In October LPPC hosts a Rise Against Hunger rice packing event for congregants of all ages. We pack 10,000 rice packs that will be sent to the hungry and impoverished around the world.

Operation Christmas Child

In October and November LPPC packs shoeboxes full of toys, school supplies and hygiene items for impoverished children around the world through the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners

In November and December LPPC supports The Cecil and Grace Bean Soup Kitchen by making food for their Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners.

Royer Graeves Christmas Party

In December LPPC members provide and serve refreshments for the Royer Greaves School for the Blind annual Christmas party.

Church Has Left The Building

The Sunday after Easter LPPC leaves the building to serve our community. LPPC provides multiple local service opportunities that you can sign up for ahead of time. This is an intergenerational all church service day.

Intergenerational Mission Trip

In July kids, youth and adults head down to North Carolina to serve the impoverished people of Appalachia. Some of the projects include repairing homes, serving local food pantries, building wheel chair ramps and painting houses.

Sandwich Making for Soup Kitchen

Every Tuesday morning in August, LPPC church members gather in Williams Hall to assemble hundreds of sandwiches for The Cecil and Grace Bean Soup Kitchen in Norristown.