Prayer Ministries

Welcome to Prayer Ministry

As a church community we affirm the sacred power and practice of prayer, lifted up to God for one another and for our world. For more information about any of our Prayer Ministries, or if you need prayer, please reach out to Nancy Care,our Director of Senior Ministries and Congregational Care, at or 610-539-6635

Weekly Prayer Group

A small group of members who meet weekly in person to pray confidentially for the needs and prayer concerns of our congregants.

Prayer Chain

A larger group of congregants who pray confidentially for the time-sensitive prayer requests of members requesting prayer from the emailed Prayer Chain.

Weekly Prayer After Worship

A member of the Weekly Prayer Group and/or an elder will be available after the worship service near the front of the sanctuary to pray with anyone requesting prayer right then. Concerns can be shared back to the Weekly Prayer Group or Prayer Chain as requested.  

Parish Concerns

Requests sent out to the entire church by weekly email in a single list. Concerns involve congregants who are ill or recovering from illness, hospitalized, having surgery, or have experienced a recent death in the family. People who want to be added or want their loved ones to be added to Parish Concerns may contact the church office. This allows church members the opportunity to reach out with cards, prayers, and calls. Cards will also be placed in the Atrium to be signed after church by members on a weekly basis.

Prayer Shawls/Squares

Volunteers crochet prayer squares and prayer shawls that are delivered to members who are ill, hospitalized, homebound, or in need of encouragement. These are also available by request.

Prayer Request Box

Prayer requests can be written on cards located on the table in the narthex of the church and dropped in the box. Requests will be prayed for confidentially at the Weekly Prayer Group meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone in the congregation who feels called to prayer ministry and is committed to intercessory prayer is welcome. Members of the Weekly Prayer Group and Prayer Chain agree to a promise of confidentiality. 

When concerns are shared with LPPC pastors and staff, Deacons, and members of the Weekly Prayer Group, congregants may be asked if they would like their request shared with the Prayer Group and Prayer Chain. 

Submit a Prayer Request